And you can install using this process on Windows XP, 7, 8, 10 in both 32 bit and 64 bit. I have told you the installation process of Bangla word v1.9.0 software. Yes, Friends, as I mentioned above, along with providing the download file of the software, I will also tell you the process of installing it, below I have told you the complete installation process of Bangla word typing software. Operating System: Windows XP, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows10 (32bit/64bit ).Bengali alphabet is mapped phonetically on to the standard QWERTY keyboard, independent of any Bangla font.
The conjunct characters (juktho okkors) are placed automatically by the system if possible otherwise when indicated by the user. Bangla text is entered using only the vowels (swarabarnas) and the consonant (banjonbarnos). Bangla Word is a smart word processing application, specifically designed for writing Bengali documents.